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Grants & 8月合约 & September 2012

研究基金会宣布2012年8月和9月的赠款和合同如下. 奖励金额是整个资助期的预期总额. 该清单不包括补充剂, 对现有赠款或合同的修改或其他更改. 对于多于一名调查员的奖项, 列出的第一个教员是首席研究员.

LARRY ATKINSON, ocean, 地球与大气科学, "MTS/IEE Oceans 2012"; Office of Naval Research, $39,700.

FRANCIS BADAVI, 数学与统计学, "Development and Implementation of an Anisotropic Trapped Proton-Electron Environment Model and Its Application to the Space Radiation Transport Analysis"; NASA, $1,217,853

FRED BAYERSDORF, 文学艺术学院, "35th Annual 文学节 - Norfolk Commission on the Arts"; city of Norfolk, $1,000. 联合检察官是英国人约翰·麦克马纳斯和蒂姆·西布尔斯.

亚历山大BOCHDANSKY, ocean, 地球与大气科学, "Ecology of Eukaryote Microbes in the Deep North Atlantic"; National Science Foundation, $539,945.

JOSEPH BRADLEY, 国家系统工程中心, "Submarine Maintenance/Modernization and Management Integration Coordination"; URS Consultants, $226,252.

COLIN BRITCHER, 机械与航空航天工程, "Interim Position of Vice President of Education and Outreach at NIA"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $38,410. Also, "0.3 Meter TCT Facility Research for New Test Capabilities"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $35,255.

CHUNG HAO CHEN, 电气与计算机工程, "Target Handoff and Resource Management for Multi-Sensor-Multi-Target Tracking Systems"; University of Tennessee, $70,000.

GREGORY CUTTER, ocean, 地球与大气科学, "ODU Hall-Bonner Program Student Support"; Hampton University, $90,021. Also, "U.S. Geotraces Pacific Section: Characterizing the Redox Environment of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean"; National Science Foundation, $414,427.

DAYLE DAINES, 生物科学, "Metabolic Regulation in Otitis Media"; U.S. 公共卫生服务,307 870美元.

FRANK DAY, 生物科学, "Advancing Understanding of the Role of Belowground Processes in Terrestrial Carbon Sinks Through Ground-penetrating Radar"; U.S. 能源部,149,999美元.

RAFAEL DIAZ, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, 汉普顿路地区灾难计划小组, Phase III"; Virginia Department of Emergency Management, $538,161. VMASC的合伙人有:布里奇特·贾尔斯、巴里·埃泽尔和约书亚·贝尔.

劳伦斯DOTOLO, 弗吉尼亚潮汐高等教育联盟, "Joint Advanced Warfighting School Professional Writing Services"; Rivera Consulting Group Inc., $20,000. Also, "满足潮水地区成人的高等教育需求, Virginia: A Consortium Approach"; U.S. 公共卫生服务,480 170美元.

哈尼族ELSAYED-ALI, 电气与计算机工程, "Continuation of JLAB Polarimeter Upgrade"; Jefferson Lab, $10,166. Also, "Development of Dial Detection Systems and Data Analysis Algorithms"; NASA Langley Research Center, $179,999. Also, 与赫尔穆特·鲍姆加特和贡南空, 电气与计算机工程, "MRI: Development of a Spark-assisted Laser Multicharged Ion Deposition and Implantation System"; National Science Foundation, $332,446.

BARRY EZELL, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "FY2012 Criteria for State Homeland Security Grant Project: Scoring and Assessment"; Virginia Department of Emergency Management, $8,000.

RODGER HARVEY, ocean, 地球与大气科学, "Collaborative Research: Linking Geochemistry and Proteomics to Reveal the Impact of Bacteria on Protein Cycling in the Ocean"; National Science Foundation, $349,000. Also, 阿拉斯加红帝王蟹年龄生化测定方法的发展:验证, Refinement and Initial Assessment"; University of Alaska Fairbanks, $56,876. Also, 《网站登录》, Student Education and Training"; National Science Foundation, $517,631. OEAS的合伙人有:玛格丽特穆赫兰, PETER SEDWICK, RICHARD ZIMMERMAN和亚历山大BOCHDANSKY.

PATRICK HATCHER, 化学与生物化学, "Accelerating the Western North Carolina Biofuels Industry Project"; Phytonix Corp., $23,300.

RICHARD HELLER, 医学实验室辐射科学, "Eminent Researcher Recruitment Program Application"; Center for Innovative Technology, $250,000.

VICTORIA HILL, ocean, 地球与大气科学, "Collaborative Research: Warming and Irradiance Measurements in the Arctic: Determining the Link Between Solar Energy Absorption and Surface Warming Through Long Term Observation"; National Science Foundation, $998,150.

JACQUELINE HINES, Student Support Services, "Student Support Services - 2010-15 Federal Budget"; U.S. 教育部,315,990美元.

KAAVONIA HINTON-JOHNSON和LEA LEE, 教与学, "Title II Seed Grant Program - National Writing Project"; National Writing Project, $20,000.

查尔斯海德,物理学,EIC探测器R&D"; Brookhaven National Laboratory, $54,000.

汗IFTEKHARUDDIN, 电气与计算机工程, "Equipment Grant: High Power Laser Radar for Atmosphere Research"; NASA Langley Research Center, $90,000.

CYNTHIA JONES, ocean, 地球与大气科学, "Support of Facilities to Provide Finfish Ageing for Virginia Catches and Application of a Variety of Stock Assessment Analyses Including Adapt-VPA and SCA Model to Provide Management Advice"; Virginia Marine Resources Commission, $251,752.

MICHELLE KELLEY, psychology, "Behavioral Mechanism Mediating Enhanced Online Intervention for College Drinkers"; U.S. 公共卫生服务,50 100美元. 心理学领域的合作伙伴是凯茜·巴拉科、詹姆斯·汉森和詹姆斯·保尔森.

SANDEEP KUMAR, 土木与环境工程, "For the Development of a Commercially Feasible Method of Extraction of Oil/Sugars/Other Biochemicals from Tobacco Using Hydrothermal Technology - Phase II"; Tyton Biosciences Corp., $43,000.

DREW LANDMAN, 机械与航空航天工程, "In-situ Calibration Load System Assessment"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $16,523.

ROBIN LEWIS, psychology, “少数民族压力, Alcohol Use and Intimate Partner Violence Among Lesbians"; U.S. 公共卫生服务,446 056美元. 心理学领域的合作伙伴有:米格尔·帕迪拉、凯茜·劳-巴拉科、芭芭拉·温斯特德和米歇尔·凯利.

KURT MALY, computer science, "Supplement for the ChirpXM Mobile App Development"; ChirpXM Inc., $25,000. Also, "Contract Management Application Migration"; Hampton Roads Planning District, $5,000. ALSO, "SIMIS Software Research Design and Development"; SIMIS Inc., $6,000.

JINGDONG MAO, 化学与生物化学, "Collaborative Research: Stabilized Organic Carbon and Paleoenvironmental Interpretations of Late Quaternary Paleosols"; National Science Foundation, $88,091.

肯尼斯·莫珀和毛敬东, 化学与生物化学, "Collaborative Research: Comprehensive Chemical Characterization of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Using Efficient Isolation Coupled to Advanced Analytical Techniques"; National Science Foundation, $2,000.

STEVE MORRISON,物理治疗,“监督vs .影响”. 基于家庭的步态运动训练, Balance and Falls Risk in Type 2 Diabetes"; American Diabetes Association, $190,000. 合伙人是SHERI COLBERG-OCHS, 人体运动科学, 和NOROU DIAWARA, 数学与统计学.

玛格丽特穆赫兰, ocean, 地球与大气科学, 弗吉尼亚环境质量部颁发的三项奖项:“作为詹姆斯河河口启动和维持藻华的一种手段的营养再生”," $27,094; "Environmental Factors Promoting Algal Blooms in the Lower James River Estuary," $57,245; and "Diagnostic Pigments as a Means of Tracking the Distribution of Algal Functional Groups within the James River," $52,660.

YIANNIS PAPELIS, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "Development and Delivery of STEM Related In-School Youth Programs"; Opportunity Inc., $165,560. 合伙人是THOMAS REESE, VMASC; ROLAND MIELKE, modeling, simulation and visualization engineering; and GINGER WATSON and PHILIP REED, STEM教育和专业研究.

BRYAN PORTER, psychology, "弗吉尼亚乘员保护计划评估:日, Night and High-risk Areas"; Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, $179,002. Also, 与NOROU DIAWARA, 数学与统计学, "Virginia Seat Belt and Core Survey 2013"; Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, $187,355.

JERRY ROBERTSON, ODU业务网关, "Hampton Roads Procurement Assistance Center"; Crater Planning District Commission, $129,839. Also, "Manufacturing Extension Partnership"; Genedge Alliance, $140,000. Also, 德鲁·兰德曼, 机械与航空航天工程, "Design of Experiments Training Course"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $24,602.

MIKE ROBINSON, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program: Real-time Evacuation Modeling and Simulation for the National Capital Region"; Virginia Department of Emergency Management, $900,000. VMASC的合伙人有:BARRY EZELL, ANDREW COLLINS和JOSE PADILLA.

CAROLYN RUTLEDGE, nursing, "Educating Nurse Practitioners to Practice Interprofessionally"; U.S. 卫生和公众服务部,365 896美元. 共同检察官是:玛格丽特·勒马斯特, dental hygiene; KAPREA JOHNSON, 咨询和人文服务; KAREN KOTT, physical therapy; MICHELLE RENAUD, nursing; CHRISTIANNE FOWLER, nursing.

卡洛琳·拉特利奇和凯伦·卡洛维茨, nursing, "bet8体育娱乐入口 Advanced Nursing Traineeship Program"; U.S. 卫生与公众服务部35万美元.

MARY SANDY, 弗吉尼亚太空资助联盟的主任, "Commonwealth STEM Industry Internship Program (VT)"; Virginia Tech, $300,000. Also, "NASA Main Grant 2010-2015"; NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, $575,000. ALSO, “州长创新学院, Technology and Engineering 2013"; New Horizons Regional Education Centers, $10,500.

KAREN SANZO和STEVE MYRAN, 教育基础与领导力, "The Generational Educators Network Futures Program"; U.S. 教育部,51,448美元.

MARK SCERBO, psychology, 标准化患者:选择细化, Cognitive Challenges and Expanded Roles"; Eastern Virginia Medical School, $31,570.

GARY SCHAFRAN, 土木与环境工程, "Deammonification Pilot-Plant Study at the Chesapeake-Elizabeth Wastewater Treatment Plant: 2012-13"; Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commission, $42,900.

ALAN SCHWITZER, 咨询和人文服务, "Community Based Counseling in Partnership with the Norfolk Community Services Board"; Norfolk Community Services Board, $39,700.

PETER SEDWICK,海洋,地球和大气科学,“合作研究:美国.S. Geotraces Pacific Section - Shipboard AL, MN and FE"; National Science Foundation, $172,982.

约翰SOKOLOWSKI, 维吉尼亚建模, 分析与仿真中心, "Training Space for Lean Six Sigma"; NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, $21,608. Also, "Prototype Dynamic Ultrasound Simulation Trainer for Medical Professionals"; bet8体育娱乐入口, $138,250. 合著者是心理学家MARK serbo,以及VMASC的YIANNIS PAPELIS和CATHERINE BANKS-BERRY. Also, "Prototype Dynamic Ultrasound Simulation Trainer for Medical Professionals"; bet8体育娱乐入口, $55,875. 合作伙伴是BANKS-BERRY、PAPELIS和serbo. Also, "Prototype Dynamic Ultrasound Simulation Trainer for Medical Professionals"; bet8体育娱乐入口, $55,875. 合作伙伴是BANKS-BERRY、serbo和PAPELIS.

丹尼尔,前所未有, 生物科学, "First Transcriptome to the Tick Olfactory System"; North Carolina State University, $49,993.

CHARLES SUKENIK, physics, "2012-13 JSA Graduate Fellowship Program for Christian Shultz"; Jefferson Lab, $11,375.

OLLIE TOLLIVER, Upward Bound, "Federal Trio Upward Bound Program 2012-13"; U.S. 教育部,336,500美元.

你VANDECAR-BURDIN, 社会科学研究中心, "Community Capacity Study for the Fleet and Family Support Program"; NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Norfolk, $123,832. 联席检察官是城市研究和公共管理的卡特里娜·米勒-史蒂文斯和约翰·莫里斯.

LEPOSAVA VUSKOVIC, physics, "Continued Support for Jack Mills on Activity 2941"; National Institute of Aerospace Associates, $18,968.

JIN WANG, 数学与统计学, 合作研究:流固耦合的新公式和算法, with Application to Tumor Growth"; National Science Foundation, $150,002.

理查德WHITTECAR, ocean, 地球与大气科学, "Water Budget Modeling for Mitigation Wetland Design (Year 5 Addendum)"; Virginia Tech, $57,000.

安德鲁·沃兹尼亚克和帕特里克·海切尔, 化学与生物化学, "Role of Organic Matter in Determining the Solubility of Atmospherically Delivered Iron"; National Science Foundation, $182,618.

NANCY XU, 化学与生物化学, "NIRT: Design of Biocompatible Nanoparticles for Probing Living Cellular Functions and Their Potential Environmental Impacts"; National Science Foundation, $100,000.

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