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SHARANA ASUNDI,机械师 & Aerospace Eng, SANDIPAN DUTTA, SANDEEP KUMAR, Elucidating the Effect of Moon-Like Magnetic Field Exposure in A Regolith Simulant Environment on Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris Growth and Bio Compound Production; VSGC, $10,000.00.

化学专业的兰登·本德 & Biochemistry, Probing Properties of Newly Prepared Polyethylene/Polar Co-Monomer Polymers; VSGC, $10,000.00.

HUNTER BENNETT, 人体运动科学, Biomechanics Initiative - National Biomechanics Day; American Society of Biomechanics, $500.00.

SAFDAR HUSSAIN BOUK, VMASC, Automated CMMC Compliance for Shipbuilding; bet8体育娱乐入口, $100,000.00.

GREGORY CUTTER, 海洋与地球科学, Collaborative Research: Management and Implementation of Us Geotraces GP17 Section: South Pacific and Southern Ocean (GP17-OCE); National Science Foundation, $38,604.00.

巴里·埃泽尔,VMASC,风险 & Decision Analytic Support UASI THIRA; Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, $60,000.00.

BARRY EZELL, VMASC, Lean 6 Training Space Renewal; Norfolk Naval Shipyard, $25,647.60.

巴里·埃泽尔,VMASC,凯琳·罗舒尔,风险 & Decision Analytic Support to The Commonwealth of Virginia (Tasks 4-6); Virginia Department of Emergency Management, $60,000.00.

ROSS GORE, VMASC, 移民和海关执法局(ICE)执法和遣返行动(ERO)日均人口(ADP)离散事件模拟模型验证和验证(V&V); Applied Research Associates, Inc., $10,101.00.

MATTHEW GRAU, Physics, Trapping Lutetium Ions for Quantum Computing; VSGC, $10,000.00.

MATTHEW GRAU, Physics, CHARLES SUKENIK, High School Physics and Mathematics Teacher Professional Development of Integrated Stem Through Arduinos at bet8体育娱乐入口; VSGC, $7,300.00.

KRISTIN HERON, Psychology, Health Effects of Intersectional Stigma Among Sexual Minority Women; University of California (All Campuses), $22,772.00.

ALVIN HOLDER, Chemistry & Biochemistry, DESH RANJAN, URISE At bet8体育娱乐入口; US Public Health Service (National Institutes of Health-NIH), $293,919.00.

丽莎·霍斯,《bet8体育娱乐入口》,奥兰多·阿亚拉,金姆·布灵顿,《bet8九州登录入口》 & 工程(VIBE)技术培训:本科生暑期研究经验, inclusive of Service Learning; VSGC, $9,395.00.

DALYA ISMAEL, Engineering Technology, Using Nasa Data to Create Immersive Virtual Experiences: An Approach to Building Infrastructure Resilience; VSGC, $9,810.00.

UKWATTA JAYARATHNA, Computer Science, THOMAS ALLEN, MUDIYANSELAGE KARUNARATHNA, JUITA WIE YUSUF, CARE: Coastal Adaption and Resilience Education; VSGC, $7,825.00.

亚历山大·克拉夫琴科,机械部 & Aerospace Eng, Multifunctional Structural Composites with Interlaminar Graphene for EVOTL Urban Air Mobility: From Fire Resistance and Lightning Strike Protection to EMI Shielding; VSGC, $10,000.00.

机械部的德鲁·兰德曼 & Aerospace Eng, Renovation and Modernization of FQM-117B RCMAT Testbeds for UAS Education; VSGC, $7,976.00.

凯琳·劳舒尔,VMASC,巴里·埃泽尔,风险 & Decision Analytic Support to The Commonwealth of Virginia (Tasks 1-3); Virginia Department of Emergency Management, $72,500.00.

CHRISTOPHER LYNCH, VMASC, ROSS GORE, CRAIG JORDAN, UNOS Year 5; United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), $140,171.00.

KAREN SANZO, Ed Found & Leadership, MARGARET BARBER, JOANNA GARGER, BRIAN PAYNE, College Partnership Laboratory School Planning (ODU-Newport News); Virginia Department of Education, $200,000.00.

KAREN SANZO, Ed Found & Leadership, MARGARET BARBER, JOANNA GARGER, BRIAN PAYNE, College Partnership Laboratory School Planning (ODU-Chesapeake); Virginia Department of Education, $200,000.00.

BALSA TERZIC, Physics, REU Site: Accelerator and Nuclear Physics Supplement; National Science Foundation, $42,264.00.

JULIE JO WALTERS, Biological Sciences, Increasing Participation of Local Title 1 High School Students in Wildlife Activities; Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR), $10,000.00.

YUSUKE YAMANI, Psychology, Collaborative Research: Deconstructing the Vigilance Decrement; National Science Foundation, $158,962.00.

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